The Ladies' Ministry at Capitol Baptist Church
includes Seasonal Teas and a Secret Sisters Program.
One Saturday each season, we host a ladies' tea. These events are open to ladies of Capitol Baptist Church and their guests.
The teas provide opportunities for ladies to take a break from the busyness of life and enjoy a relaxing and encouraging time together.
Ladies who are members or faithful attenders of the church are given the opportunity to participate in this program.
It is designed for ladies to pray for the lady assigned to them, and encourage them with little gifts and notes throughout the year.
Then, around Christmastime, secret sisters are revealed, and the opportunity is open again for the new year.
One Saturday each season, we host a ladies' tea. These events are open to ladies of Capitol Baptist Church and their guests.
The teas provide opportunities for ladies to take a break from the busyness of life and enjoy a relaxing and encouraging time together.
Ladies who are members or faithful attenders of the church are given the opportunity to participate in this program.
It is designed for ladies to pray for the lady assigned to them, and encourage them with little gifts and notes throughout the year.
Then, around Christmastime, secret sisters are revealed, and the opportunity is open again for the new year.